About Us
The Multifaith Chaplaincy warmly and creatively nurtures the religious, spiritual, secular, and searching community at Bates College, encouraging students to live into fullness and build deeper connection.
The Multifaith Chaplaincy warmly and creatively nurtures the religious, spiritual, secular, and searching community at Bates College, encouraging students to live into fullness and build deeper connection.
You are surrounded by people who bring rich histories, deep questions, and unique insights. The purpose of the Multifaith Chaplaincy is to help you explore and learn from all that swirls around you and stirs within you. The multifaith community is a group of inquisitive people who share and explore identities, perspectives, convictions, and practices.
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Meeting new students with shared interest
E: multifaithchaplaincy@bates.edu
P: 207-786-8272
Multifaith Chaplaincy
163 Wood St.
Lewiston Main 04240